
A Loyal Dog R3fuses To Part With The C0ffin Of Her Dec3ased Owner On The Way To The Cem3tery

Dogs have long demonstrated the degree of loyalty they can show to their owners. Anyone who has a dog in his life knows that when he gets home a being will be waiting for him who, without asking for anything in return, is willing to accompany him forever, even if that “always” is after de4th, writes mylastpenny.

Various proofs exist of this assertion and today Lessie’s story reminds us how loyal and unconditional a furry friend can be.’

Lessie is a hairy from Mexico, who was always characterized by an undeniable love for her owner. She, like many other puppies, was incapable of suspecting that one day her human might even be missing. But sadly, death is inexorable and affects everyone equally.

A few months ago, Lessie was devastated to lose her human dad forever. That man with whom she had shared the last years of her life. Confused and with her heart broken, the mestizo did not want to detach from her owner’s body for a moment during the funeral ceremony.

It seems that Lessie rejected the fact that her human had to be put in that little box, so uncomfortable. She was not sure what was happening, so she preferred to accompany him at all times and continue to protect him until the end.

What the hairy one did not know is that her time had expired.

The photographs of Lessie at the funeral gave much to talk about on social media, after one of those present decided to share them on Facebook.

With her languid little face and without making much movement, the hairy one got on the hearse that carried the body to the cemetery.

Lessie fearlessly accompanied her father at all times and this surprised more than one.

The dog with a bell around her neck, demonstrated exemplary behavior and honored the memory of her owner with her presence. There is no doubt that furry puppies often give us the best lessons, and this was no exception.

That image of the mestizo on one side of the urn, next to the flowers and with an immense burden of desolation in her eyes, was enough to make the hearts of these people pity and decide to keep her at home.

This man’s own family members were captivated by Lessie’s loyalty.

Lessie’s life must continue and his image will be etched in the memory of many as the most beautiful show of fidelity. She is recovering from the absence and has been blessed by so many people who applaud her behavior.

Dogs are certainly angels on this earth and like Lessie they don’t deserve to be alone, especially when they show their love to the last consequences.

Source: mylastpenny

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